Welcome to the Four-Seasons Garden!

Thank you for visiting Four-Seasons Garden, and welcome! I garden in a little suburb of Denver, Colorado, called Wheat Ridge. It's never boring gardening here, so I promise frequent updates, gardening stories, photos, and tips. Today is a blustery late fall day but just a week ago, Denver recorded its latest 80-degree-F-day ever, officially 81 degrees on November 27th! This means that, in the past year, only December and January have NOT had 80-plus degree days. (My friend Mike Kintgen, curator at Denver Botanic Gardens, pointed out this amazing fact.) 

That's probably why my Cyclamen coum have not bloomed yet. . .not cold enough! This lovely flower brightens up the dullest months. Check back next month and, hopefully, there will be photos of its bright pink flowers! More information from the Missouri Plant Finder here.

To rake or not to rake, that is the question. I'm performing an experiment this winter: in situ fertilization. I still have a huge compost operation going in the back corner of my property, but I'm also "leaving the leaves" that fell from my ash and crab apple trees. Even though it's been quite dry, you can see from these two photos that the leaves have settled down and become more mulch-like even after only one month. The photo on the left was taken at the end of October, with leaves nearly a foot deep, and the one on the right was taken in late November, with leaves only six inches deep at the most.
